The primary role of all sales leaders is to deliver profitable revenue to the company. As the best management thinkers have long recognized, the key to achieving any such goal successfully is to put the right processes in place.

A process is a set of linked actions that are taken to create a desired outcome. Like Total Quality Management (TQM) or Six Sigma, the Action Selling ® Leadership Process is a set of linked actions designed to function within an overall sales system to achieve continuous improvement. The overall process is broken down and described in terms of nine leadership “acts” that support the three key “roles” of sales leadership.

We will dive deeper into that diagram in upcoming editions of eCoach. First, however, let me point out something fundamental to this whole discussion. While processes are the key to continuous improvement, not all processes are critical. It isn’t just a question of managing processes; it’s all about managing the right processes. The most important ones are those that are executed often, have a direct link to individual sales performance, and underlie business growth.

It’s all about managing the right processes.

I believe that six sales leadership processes qualify as critical…