Our Story
In 1990, under the direction of author Duane Sparks, The Sales Board and Action Selling ® were created. The company began with the question: Which selling skills have the greatest impact on sales productivity? “You can’t teach anyone 100 different things to focus on,” said Sparks. “You need to have a finite number of skill improvement areas to work on.”
After five (5) years of research, a short list of Critical Selling Skills emerged as the most important sales productivity boosters.
What Differentiates Action
Selling From Everyone Else?
No other company has developed this enormous database of skill measurement and corresponding performance change.

Major Sales Training INnovations
The knowledge gained from research has been completely incorporated into the Action Selling ® training
process. Action Selling ® has accomplished these major sales training innovations:

Critical Selling Skills
Identified the Five Critical Selling Skills that are trainable, measurable, and have the greatest impact on performance change.

Learning Principles
Embedded Best-in-Class adult learning principles into a seamless sales training system.

Training Systems
Action Selling ® training systems transfer more skill into the field than any other sales training methodology.

Cloud-based learning reinforcement, field exercises, sales call planning tools and assessment allow learning to occur anytime and anywhere.

Assessment System
Created the first and only validated assessment system for measuring and writing prescriptions for skill improvement.

Reinforcement systems that fit every learning style.

Best documentation
The best documented sales methodology in the sales training space.

Continuous Research
Once salespeople become certified their performance improves at six times (6X) the rate of salespeople trained on other programs.